Thursday 18 August 2011

'Femme Fatale' piece...

And here she is... Really enjoyed working on this piece. The concept came about just as an exercise with this fun lil 'creative group' I take part in every week [it's an open group so feel free to join]... So as I mentioned in my last post, I've always loved those old B/W photos of early 'Hollywood' movie stars; the shallow D.O.F of the cameras, the lighting, the mood etc... So this exercise was the perfect excuse to try my hand at mimicking that timeless look in a painting...

'Lust Widow' ©Maxwell. A. Oginni 2011
As with every painting/ study exercise, I'm really trying to explore & learn new things. In the past two months or so I've been studying from a few different artists; all having different techniques & philosophies but probably the one most unifying lessons I've gotten from them all is the 'value in making mistakes'...

One artist I'm currently learning a great deal from right now is American illustrator Greg Manchess. A truly amazing talent & super nice guy too. Check out this video trailer of his 2 part DVD series  "Above the Timberline", where he explains his creative process & philosophies as an artist & how to become a successful one. I think it's still available to purchase so grab yourself a copy if you can- well worth it!

Here's a direct >link<
Enjoy ; )


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